Welcome readers! I wanted to give you something light and fun after the very heady topic of the last two articles, The Fibonacci series. This month I would like to share some of my favori...
Welcome readers! After a few months of very technical articles, I wanted to shake things up a bit with a more conceptual one. I have always been fascinated by mathematics and patterns in ...
Greetings, readers! I wanted to talk about looping this month as it pertains to live performance situations. As modern keyboardists, I think it’s very important to bring a lot of sonic op...
Hi readers. Welcome back! This month I wanted to speak about alternate controllers and control surfaces. These days there are so many options for keyboardists looking to augment their sou...
Hi, Everyone! Welcome to our last installment of our three part in depth look at analog synthesis. In part one we spoke a little bit about classic analog synths and I explained the differ...
Welcome, readers, to part two of our in depth look at analog synthesis. Last month, we cracked the surface with an introduction to early synthesizers and the different types of waveforms....
Welcome readers! This month, we will begin a three part mini series on analog synthesis. Analog synthesizers like the Minimoog, Arp 2600, and Prophet 5 revolutionized the music of the 197...
Hi, readers! Last month we took a very in depth look at many different kinds of keyboard stands. This month, I want to investigate another indispensable part of the onstage keyboard setup...
I want to talk about something really practical this month, keyboard stands. Whether you are playing small gigs in music clubs or Huge ones in arenas, you will need a reliable support for...
This month I want to talk a little bit about warming your body up for a performance. I personally think of music as a physical process not a mental one.