Greetings readers and welcome to continue installment of our series on simulating real instrument sounds. We've covered brass and wind sounds so far, so this month I wanted to focus ...
Simulating string sounds on keyboards - Greetings readers and welcome to another installment of our series on simulating real instrument sounds. We’ve covered brass and wind sounds so far...
Wind-Blown: Emulating flute and brass sounds. Welcome readers to another installment of Rock Keyboards! This is part three of our article on emulating...
Some keyboards like my Hammond Sk1 have special patches where you can play one note and have a whole sax section sound in harmony with the bass note. If you want to get a real sax section...
In music theory, the tritone is a musical interval composed of three adjacent whole tones. For example, in the key of C major the tritone is F#. Tritones also occur naturally in major sca...
Rock Keyboards: Most famous 70’s analog synths - part II. Welcome back, readers. This month we will continue talking about the most important analog synths from the 1970’s. Last month we...
Layered pentatonic power Síla sdružených (kombinovných, překrývajících se) pentatonikWelcome readers. This month I wanted to give you a few interesting tricks using simple pentatonic scal...