This month I want to talk about making your keyboard have the same impact as a distorted guitar playing power chords. In a rock band, I think it's very common for the keyboardists ro...
This month's article is a continuation of last month's where I gave a chart of different chords and corresponding minor pentatonic scales to be used for soloing. Please refer to...
This month, I would like to speak about a system of playing overlapping pentatonic scales that will make you sound like you are playing very advanced harmonic lines with only a few pentat...
In the past few articles about rock keyboard playing, we have focused mostly on organ and synth players. This month I want to speak about the piano and it's role in rock music. We�...
This month, I would like to continue with my first article on important Rock keyboardists. Our focus will be entirely on the Hammond Organ and it's use in Rock music in this installm...
This month, I would like to talk about a few pioneers in the use of analog synths. We'll also be examining two great early synths, The Minimoog and the Arp 2600. Analog synths are di...
Čtenáři, možná vás zaskočí, že na českých stránkách nacházíte anglický text. Není to chyba. V současné době pro časopis Muzikus píše newyorkský klávesista a pianista Brian Charette.